The Importance of Embracing Failure to Find Success as a Business Owner with Kelsey Mead
In this week’s post, I’m sitting down to chat with entrepreneur and mindset empowerment coach Kelsey Mead to talk about the mindset behind entrepreneurship and taking on bigger challenges.

Kelsey’s Entrepreneurship Journey
“If you were to ask me 10 years ago if I would have been coaching women on mindset and limiting beliefs, I probably would have laughed in your face, because I was the queen of all of them,” Kelsey says. Once she realized how much her fears and doubts were holding her back in life, and how much she was giving them power, she knew she had to confront them. She is passionate about mindset in food and body health.
Kelsey’s approach isn’t just about positivity though. “We are humans with a whole range of emotions. If we’re trying to force ourselves to live in a box of only feeling certain things, we are going to set ourselves up for disappointment just because we’re shoving some of those harder feelings under the rug,” Kelsey adds. Part of personal development is feeling your feelings.
The Beginner Entrepreneur Mindset
Kelsey says that some of the biggest mindset hurdles that new business owners face center around limiting beliefs. Many people worry about what other people think of their business, whether or not they should invest in themselves, and general fear of the unknown.

Worrying about what other people think
Especially when starting a business that revolves around social media, it’s easy to worry about what other people think. The story that we create in our heads becomes the most powerful one.
That false narrative may be preventing you from going all out on your social media marketing because you’re afraid that people will think you’re trying to sell to them, or judge you for making posts about your business.
However, the people who are judging you are not your target audience. If you’re trying to start a business, then your goal is to make money by reaching clients. Your biggest “judges” might even end up becoming clients later on!
If you’re a beginning entrepreneur, you need to ask yourself if you’re really worried about other people judging your business, or if you’re worried about judging your own business. Have compassion for yourself and your confidence will grow tremendously.
Take action. Even if it’s not perfect. By activating your business plan, you’ll be able to rip off the band-aid and go for it. You’ll find out what is working and what isn’t, but first you have to jump in.
Failure can be a part of the success process. However, if you let the fear of failure control your mindset, then you might count yourself out before you’ve even given your business a chance.

Fear of investing in your business
A lot of beginner entrepreneurs worry about putting down money to invest in themselves. They fear that if they fail, they’ll have lost money. If this resonates with you, ask yourself: What are the risks you’re taking by not investing?
An investment in your business is an investment in results, but it’s also an investment in the experience to help you create those results. For example, it’s a societal norm to go to college so that you can get a job. However, it’s not a guarantee that you’ll get a job just because you went to college. When it comes to business, beginners can be hesitant about putting down money or investing in themselves, even though their vision of what they want out of their investment is much more clear than something like getting a higher education.
You’ll never have a guarantee of what the outcome of your investment in your business will be. What you can do is listen to your intuition about the next logical step for where you want to go.
It’s easy to say to yourself, “What if it doesn’t workout?” but if that’s the case, I’d urge you to also ask yourself, “What if it does?”
Investing in yourself is a way of putting your energy out into the world, and the most fulfilling part of that is seeing it come back.
Inner Saboteur
A saboteur is the little voice in the back of your head telling you to keep it small. It feeds your negative thoughts to spiral. It starts out with the master saboteur, which is judgment. Our brains are designed for survival. So as a result, we create many defense mechanisms when we don’t feel safe. Most of our limiting thought patterns and self-sabotaging behavior come from this place.
While some of these beliefs and saboteurs help propel us forward initially, eventually they lead us to end up in last place because we build up resentment towards other people.
It’s integral to learn how to work with our own personal saboteurs so that when we feel them coming up, we know how to navigate them.

Embracing Failure: The Bottomline
Ultimately, we can’t control what other people think of us, but we can work on how we invest in ourselves and our mindsets. Starting a business can be scary because it’s filled with a lot of “what ifs” but if you follow your intuition, and learn to embrace your failures to propel you forward, you will reach your goals.
And finally, as always, stay safe, stay healthy, and stay #PrettyAwkward!
I hope this post helped you see that it is completely normal to feel stuck in your business but you don’t have to stay stuck!
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