Sharing the Mistakes I Made Along the Way to Making a Million Dollars in Sales
While I have made a lot of great decisions for my business, I have also made some key mistakes.
I wanted to reflect on those and share them with you in this post!
Building a business is not smooth sailing by any means, mistakes are inevitable. But, it’s important that we take lessons away from these mistakes and view them as a learning experience!

Mistakes are normal
Making mistakes is a part of building a business. While mistakes can be a challenging thing to go through they are also very necessary for growth. I believe that there are certain mistakes you have to go through to teach you the lessons you need to learn. I don’t think that there are warnings that can prevent you from experiencing it, I think sometimes the best way to grow is by going through these difficult challenges.
I will tell you that I do not regret the mistakes I’ve made in my journey to making a million dollars. Looking back I know that I had to make those mistakes and without them I wouldn’t have learned or grown as much as I have. My business wouldn’t be the same without these mistakes.

My top 4 mistakes
The top 4 mistakes I made on my way to making a million dollars in sales were:
1. One upping my months. For the better part of 2018 and 2019 I was heavily focused on the income that I was making each month. I became obsessed with beating my previous month’s number. I used my income each month as the benchmark for my success and I felt extremely disappointed in myself if I didn’t reach a higher mark each month.
When I look back this was one of the most stressful times for me. I’m not saying having income goals is a bad thing but when it becomes your only motivation that is when it can become dangerous. I of course want to make money but it’s not the only reason I went into business and it’s not my only motivator.
During this time I lost track of why I was in business. When this happened it impacted my marriage and other important relationships. I don’t regret this mistake one bit, I learned so many important lessons about prioritizing the motivators that I should focus my business on that led me to even more success.
2. Neglecting my marriage. I go in-depth on a previous podcast episode about the separation from my husband but I will go into a little detail here as well. While our marriage had problems long before I went into business, the business did exacerbate our issues. We had been doing a ton of work on our marriage counseling etc. however I used my business as an escape from the struggles we were facing in our marriage.
I felt so out of control and the business was the one thing I had control over. I put so much of my energy and focus into my business that I wasn’t giving my marriage the same effort. While it may sound weird, I don’t regret this mistake either, if we didn’t separate when we did, who knows where our marriage would be today. We needed the separation to help save our marriage.

3. Expanding my team in the wrong way. When I was expanding my business I did it purely because other people I knew in the same income bracket were hiring team members. I thought that if they needed those team members then I did as well. Which is such a ridiculous idea. Each business is going to have different needs and positions and so I didn’t necessarily need to hire the same kind of position.
One of the positions I hired was an online business manager. I promoted my virtual assistant and I didn’t take the time to figure out the kind of person I needed in that role or what that role would do for my business. Looking back I didn’t really need that role for my business and I should’ve instead hired specialists to handle more specific roles. When you think about your business needs you should think about the places where you are going to need the most help or support.
Hiring is so important and it’s something we go in-depth on in Unique Coaching Method 6 Figure Mastermind if you are needing help be sure to check it out!
4. Creating offers that made me work so much more. This is a mistake I won’t do again. I created offers to help scale my business and I underestimated the amount of time and energy they were going to take from me. I launched two mastermind programs on top of doing private client coaching and it all became way too much for me to handle. I am a coach that is all in with my clients so the energy and work I was putting in was not sustainable.
I was constantly on calls and answering messages on Voxer and it was impacting my ability to show up in a positive way for my clients. I realized that I needed to shift things and expand my offers in a way that was more realistic. Without going through this lesson I wouldn’t have learned the kind of offers I want to continue to do and I wouldn’t have built my business to be sustainable.
I learned how to make offers that will allow me to take breaks and have flexibility, I don’t always have to have a launch going on to create an income and that has been such a huge relief and has helped me be able to prioritize the important things in my life.
Lessons learned
All of these mistakes were really big lessons learned. I don’t regret any of them because they led me to where I am today in my business. I am so proud of all the growth and learning that I have done throughout my journey to making a million dollars in sales and I wouldn’t change a single thing.

Sharing the Mistakes I Made Along the Way to Making a Million Dollars in Sales: The Bottomline
It’s sometimes hard to see the value of your mistakes when you are in the thick of them. Something I’ve learned looking back on my journey to making a million dollars in sales is that each mistake I made was full of opportunities for growth and helped me learn really valuable lessons. I don’t regret a single mistake I made because it helped me create a business I am extremely proud of and I wouldn’t have gotten here without the learning opportunities I had that stemmed from the mistakes I made.
And finally, as always, stay safe, stay healthy, and stay #PrettyAwkward!
I hope this post helped you see how important it is to take the mistakes you’ve made and learn from them to better your business.
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IGTV I reference on product suite expansion + hiring:
Podcast episode on product suite expansion + hiring:
Podcast episode on my marriage separation:
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