Sharing My Journey to Creating a Million Dollar Business and the Mindset Shifts I Had to Make Along the Way
There are specific mindset shifts I had to make to get me to the next level in my business.
This post was inspired by one of my mastermind clients who was asking me about the biggest things that helped me get to the next levels in my business. When I sat back and analyzed how I got to where I am today, I realized there were some really crucial limiting beliefs and mindset shifts I had to make!
So in this post, I will walk you through the biggest mindset shifts I had to make and what I believe anyone has to make if they want to create a million dollar business.

Leveling up for your business
If you don’t have the right mindset it can be extremely limiting to your success. Of course, nothing is a magical strategy but one of the most important things that helped me gain success in my business was when I started shifting my mindset.
The process was not easy and it took a while for me to fully embody and believe in the mindset changes but once I did I was so much more successful.
I do want to note that just because I had a ton of growth during 2019 did not mean it was all good. I created an amazing million dollar business and I’m proud of that however, there were a lot of things I learned and things I won’t be doing again or won’t do in the same way.
I did sacrifice a lot more than I am willing to now. When you are going through your entrepreneurship journey these are all things we have to go through to really learn.
Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, that’s how you figure out what works for you and your business.

Mindset shifts
I wouldn’t have been able to get my business to the next level without these mindset shifts:
1. Raising my rates. This was something I was absolutely terrified to do. The main reason was because I didn’t want existing clients to leave. To my surprise, raising my rates and stepping into that next level helped my clients do the same in their own business.
One of the biggest takeaways from raising my rates was that I was already worthy of charging that amount. I just wasn’t giving myself permission to claim it because I didn’t feel I deserved it. I was comparing myself to people who I looked up to and I was limiting my rates based on their pricing.
I was basically saying that they were better than me, which wasn’t true! Once I leaned into and believed that the transformation I helped my clients facilitate was worth the price I became so much more confident and helped my clients even more.
2. Launching before I was ready. In 2019 I was going to wait until 2020 to put out my Unique Coaching Method Six-Figure Mastermind Program. I felt that I needed to meet more income goals, have more testimonials etc. in order to be fully prepared to launch.
The truth was I didn’t need to wait, luckily my coach at the time showed me this and I launched my first incredibly successful mastermind program. If I had listened to my doubts I would have missed out on this amazing opportunity. I would’ve held myself back and I would’ve made my clients do the same.
As long as you deliver on what you promised then you’re going to be great you just have to be in congruence with that to be successful.

3. Investing in a big way. One of the biggest motivators was when I made a large investment for my business. This investment stretched me and really pushed me to do way more for my business.
My belief with investing is that the investment shouldn’t be a stress on you, but it should stretch you. The act of making this large investment helped me believe in myself and pushed me to show up in a more impactful way for my clients.
When you invest for your business you want to make sure to do it responsibly but if you can look at the investment as a resource to help you move forward, instead of a cost this will be a huge game-changer for your business.
4. I claimed my success and took radical responsibility. While the coach I was using helped me on my journey to my success, 2019 was the first time I stopped giving credit to my coach for my successes. I took responsibility for my success because I was the one who showed up and did the work necessary for my business.
This mindset shift was so important because it stopped me from trying to play the blame game and stopped me from relying on my coach for my results. The coach is someone who helps guide you but they are not what is ultimately going to make you successful YOU are.
5. Letting go of an income goal. In 2019 a friend of mine came up with a $500K goal for both of us to try and reach by the end of the year. At the time I thought sure why not! As the first few months went on I realized that I didn’t have any emotional connection with that goal.
I was getting tied up in the income and realized that all it was doing was stressing me out. I didn’t have any excitement towards that $500K goal, so instead of focusing on that I let go of it and focused on prioritizing things that lit me up and made me the happiest. I shifted my attention to creating programs I was excited to show up for and started working with people I genuinely was excited about. When I did this I not only felt way more fulfilled I exceeded that $500K income goal by over $200K.
While I still believe in having income goals they shouldn’t be the only thing you focus on! You need to have that emotional tie for your goal to turn out successful.

Sharing My Journey to Creating a Million Dollar Business and the Mindset Shifts I Had to Make Along the Way: The Bottomline
When it comes to leveling up in your business, there are mindset shifts you have to make. There were 5 specific mindset shifts that allowed me to reach the next level in my business and helped me believe in myself to be even more successful.
Throughout my experience in 2019 I learned how powerful our mindset can be to our overall success. I learned to stop limiting myself based on old beliefs and feelings I was holding on to. Once I was able to make the mindset shifts I needed to make, everything changed.
And finally, as always, stay safe, stay healthy, and stay #PrettyAwkward!
I hope this post helped you see how big of a role your mindset makes in the success of your business.
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