There has been a big shift I’ve seen in the coaching industry within the last couple of months that is long overdue. In this week’s blog, I am sharing my perspective and opinion as to why you need to follow your passion and have your own unique method for business. I also want to dive into why it’s so important that you don’t follow everyone else’s path and do what everyone else is doing.
But before we dive on in, let me introduce myself. My name is Megan Yelaney, and I have built two six-figure businesses and one multi-six-figure business by fully embracing my authentic self and not trying to hide the quirks that make me, ME.
So if you’re a female entrepreneur looking to learn, grow your business strategies and mindset, and scale your biz to multiple six figures while having fun doing it…you’re in the right place, girl! Because I made this blog exactly for YOU!
Keep reading to learn more about your unique method and why you should follow your passion, not the crowd.
“Leaders aren’t just people who have a lot of money and followers, they have integrity, and their words match their actions.”
This year has brought to light a lot of issues, and if you’ve been following me on social media you know about the stance I have on everything going on. There has been a big awakening and shift taking place in the coaching industry. Leaders aren’t stepping up as they should, leaders are hiding and saying one thing but doing another. The biggest thing to take away if you’ve seen anybody get called out is to immediately question it. Wonder and ask yourself why they’re getting called out. A lot of people are nervous about speaking up in the wrong way or saying the wrong thing.
Based on my experience, you won’t get dragged across the internet if you are in alignment with values and do what you say. If your words and actions match up, you’re going to be fine. That’s just having integrity and following through with what you have to say. However, if you aren’t doing that, you will feel resistance and friction. If you feel resistance, ask yourself why. What are you saying or doing that may be out of alignment? We are human, sometimes we may say things out of our integrity, but it’s important to be aware of that. This year, we’ve seen some big leaders and influencers not match up with their words and actions.
I’ve seen a big shift this year realizing that people are not leaders just because they have a big following or just because they make a lot of money. Interestingly, we’re all grasping that now, I have grasped the concept for a long time, but I’ve been in business since 2012. I started in network marketing. The company I was in was wonderful but it was a lot about being at the top and being the biggest earner. That’s not a bad thing but for me, it started to become only about that. I was focused on being number one and making the most money. I couldn’t continue and stay true to the business, it was purely about feeling that I was worthy of achieving promotions and moving up the ladder. This is when I started over and started my own business. When I started, it was just me, myself, and I. I knew I didn’t want to compare and look at what other people were doing, I am just competing with myself.
I started to develop leadership skills, read a lot of books, been to a lot of leadership conferences as well. I truly dedicated myself to follow my passion. I have to credit some of this to network marketing since they provided me those tools. I wasn’t utilizing the resources to the best of my ability though, so when I started my new business I took those leadership skills and reminded myself of my why. You have to be doing something for a reason beyond hitting the number. I’ve realized over the last few years I was combining my prior leadership skills with the passion I was always meant to do, now I’m in a place where I can navigate through challenges with more grace. Leaders aren’t just people who have a lot of money and followers, they have integrity, and their words match their actions.
My mission is to normalize awkward and make it fun.
Awkward = Uncomfortable. And for the longest time I tried to avoid it. I presented myself on social media the way I thought I should, aka the way every other “fitness” person presented themselves. Once I let my #freakflag fly and started being me, fully and authentically, I not only reached new heights in my business and health, but helped my clients do the same. Changing your life & advancing in any business requires you to get uncomfortable.
More on the Blog:
Three Rock- Solid, Step – By- Step Plans for Confidently Launching Your Programs And Cashing In Big Time
Your 12-Week Fast Track For Getting More Clients
Who Love Ya, Pay Ya, And Keep Coming Back For More
Connect, grow, and scale your business to 6-Figures. Awkwardly.
Leaders are going to do the tough stuff and heavy lifting even when it’s uncomfortable. This year we’ve really seen who is stepping up as a leader and who’s not just focused on the income. Personally, I haven’t had a launch in quite a while. One of the biggest things I wanted to do was step back, evaluate my business, and get training on diversity equity, and inclusion. It takes a lot of reflection and mindfulness when you have to sit down and do the work. It takes time and I needed the energy to do that. I could’ve done some launches, but I know I would’ve been drained energetically.
I’m not saying you have to make the same choice, but I made that choice because I looked at my business and analyzed my current numbers. You have to take into account what impact you want to make. How do you want someone to feel when they leave your coaching container? How do you want someone to feel when they’re at the grocery store and something reminds them of you? How would you want them to describe their experience working with you? Don’t jump and assume the transformation, go deeper as to how you even begin that transformation. Stay true to your passion and never fall into the crowd. That is what will set you apart from everyone else.
If you want to become a leader in your industry, then I encourage you to take a look at the points we covered today. Tap into your passion and stop concerning yourself with what others are doing. Start journaling and take action. Everything you do won’t necessarily be reflected in your work right away, it does take time. We have to stop rushing everything, but we have to start. You won’t be a leader next week just by following these tips, but eventually, over time you will step into that role and feel yourself in alignment.
And as always, stay safe, stay healthy, and stay #PrettyAwkward!
Thank you so much for taking the time to read the #PrettyAwkward Entrepreneur Blog. I would LOVE to have the opportunity to connect with you, check out my #prettyawkward Female Entrepreneurs Create Impactful Passive Income free group on Facebook!
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My mission is to normalize awkward and make it fun.
Awkward = Uncomfortable. And for the longest time I tried to avoid it. I presented myself on social media the way I thought I should, aka the way every other “fitness” person presented themselves. Once I let my #freakflag fly and started being me, fully and authentically, I not only reached new heights in my business and health, but helped my clients do the same. Changing your life & advancing in any business requires you to get uncomfortable.
I have helped HUNDREDS of women get their unique coaching voice and find their soulmate (clients that is!)
Because I’ve been there too. I went from wanting to be a health and fitness coach...trying to take awkward booty pooping selfies, to embracing my #prettyawkward style and scaling my coaching business past six figures.