When it comes to business, we have to be able to shift and pivot when challenges come our way. We are faced with many obstacles from not feeling good enough, not believing in our worth and value, and unclear how to invest in our business to keep growing.
This week on the #PrettyAwkward Entrepreneur Podcast, I’m chatting with Gabby Ortega who is a business coach for lightworkers. We are diving into the reality of being a woman in business, making shifts to your business strategy, how to develop a strong sense of worth in what you offer, and more!
But before we dive on in, let me introduce myself. My name is Megan Yelaney, and I have built two six-figure businesses and one multi-six-figure business by fully embracing my authentic self and not trying to hide the quirks that make me, ME. Meanwhile, Gabby is a business coach for lightworkers. She comes from a background with clinical psychology and is now working on her doctorate. I know her tips and tricks she shares throughout the episode will be game-changing for your business, so get ready to take notes!
So if you’re a female entrepreneur looking to learn, grow your business strategies and mindset, and scale your biz to multiple six figures while having fun doing it…you’re in the right place, girl! Because I made this podcast exactly for YOU!
And today, we will be covering top tips and strategies to ensure that you are investing back into your business to stay on track for success! And for even more deets on everything outlined below, be sure to tune in to episode 59 on your fave streaming platform.
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I wanted to start this podcast with Gabby sharing her story of how she got here today. Gabby got her master’s degree in clinical psychology and is now working on her doctorate, specializing in childhood development and trauma. Gabby started the journey of being a psychologist/therapist primarily for self-healing but eventually found the passion of helping and serving other women who are going through similar experiences. Around 2017, she discovered the boom of Instagram therapy and found the opportunity to connect and transfer information efficiently and effectively. That’s when she started a coaching company that works with a holistic approach towards mental wellness and healing trauma.
Gabby never imagined that she could have a business that was aligned with her values and centered around her soul. From there, her mission grows to amplify others who want to heal, to grow global consciousness, and to shift the paradigm on how we perceive what it’s like to be a human being. According to Gabby, her story might be a little bit all over the place, but ‘it’s also very me’.
This podcast was created with YOU in mind. The female entrepreneur looking to learn, and grow your business strategies and mindset, to get your business off the ground and scale to multiple six figures and have fun doing it. To inspire and empower you to take the required action you’ve been putting off to create products and make sales.
Each week we will be covering topics that will help you start, grow and scale your business. Some topics that you can expect to be covered include:
I can’t wait to hear about what you learn, what makes you laugh, and what tips allow you to grow your business and brand as your authentic self.
Stay #prettyawkward.
I wanted to start this podcast with Gabby sharing her story of how she got here today. Gabby got her master’s degree in clinical psychology and is now working on her doctorate, specializing in childhood development and trauma. Gabby started the journey of being a psychologist/therapist primarily for self-healing but eventually found the passion of helping and serving other women who are going through similar experiences. Around 2017, she discovered the boom of Instagram therapy and found the opportunity to connect and transfer information efficiently and effectively. That’s when she started a coaching company that works with a holistic approach towards mental wellness and healing trauma.
Gabby never imagined that she could have a business that was aligned with her values and centered around her soul. From there, her mission grows to amplify others who want to heal, to grow global consciousness, and to shift the paradigm on how we perceive what it’s like to be a human being. According to Gabby, her story might be a little bit all over the place, but ‘it’s also very me’.
What sparked our conversation was Gabby’s realization that women are more struggling to invest compared to men. Most of the time, they had to ask permission from their significant other even though they are the ones who are paying for it. It’s one thing to be transparent about joint finances, but it’s a whole different thing to be frightful of your partner’s opinion regarding your own investment decisions. Gabby’s insightful advice to us is that if you continuously choose to invest in others and never to ourselves, we’re never going to move the needle forward.
Gabby found the root of this problem and that is the mind conditioning that is bestowed upon women. We are asked to be the supporter but never the provider. We are never expected to hold a place in society. Ultimately, this results in the fears and limiting beliefs that hinder women to invest in themselves. The only thing that Gabby has to say about that is that the mission of healing and mentorship is so much bigger than society’s gender constructs. As a woman, it’s our responsibility to take action and take space so that we can make amazing global changes.
For so long, women have been raised in the mindset of fear. We’re not allowed to take risks because we’re generally not safe being raised in a society dominated by men. And so, as a woman, the hardest part of setting up a business is not the website development, the product development, or whatever tactical steps are there. The hardest part is undoing the conditioning of the society that told us we are never enough. And the only way to get through that is to fully acknowledge that women are more than enough.
So if you’re a female entrepreneur looking to learn, grow your business strategies and mindset, and scale your biz to multiple six figures while having fun doing it…you’re in the right place, girl! Because I made this podcast exactly for YOU!
And today, we will be covering top tips and strategies to ensure that you are investing back into your business to stay on track for success! And for even more deets on everything outlined below, be sure to tune in to episode 59 on your fave streaming platform.
The first tip that Gabby shared with women on how to knock the hell out of limiting mind conditioning is that we have to learn how to love ourselves. We cannot fully embody who we want to become as entrepreneurs and business leaders if we can’t embody love for ourselves. One thing that Gabby realized through her years of experience is that self-love is not an on-and-off switch, it’s actually a growing progress in the intricate ladder of self-love. We start from self-annihilation, toward self-neutrality, self-acceptance, and finally, self-love.
Each process will teach us to be repentant to ourselves. It’ll remind us that it’s okay to let ourselves fall because we can pick ourselves up and try again. If you’re constantly doubting yourself that you’re not good enough, then fully accept that thought and go from there. Because once you accept your limitations, you can bring all the support and help you need, from education to mentorship, to become a successful entrepreneur.
Before starting a business, come to an understanding that you are a reflection of your business. If you’re not doing your own parallel processing, you’re blocking your ability to expand even before you started without even realizing it. Because the reality is that all your traumas are usually in your subconscious, and unless you start being aware of these mental blocks, you’re never going to fully reach your potential.
And once you recognize those traumas, it’s pretty easy to get frustrated once the triggers start to resurface. However, Gabby reminded us that it’s completely okay to see these traumas every once in a while because working with these is a lifelong work. The best way to move forward is to accept it and know that this time, you can work through it much quicker and easier. Not a single planet in this world woke up from the beginning of their life as a CEO. It’s a long and complex journey that we have to go through.
This is particularly helpful for business coaches as well. Because if you believe that business coaches don’t have to talk about feelings and emotions, then you are completely out of the window. Remember: Business is life, life is business. So if you want to be the most powerful business coach on the planet, go learn about psychology. go learn about trauma. Everyone on the planet is traumatized, and more often than not, trauma is holding everyone back from doing the steps they need to do to take their business to the next level.
Three Rock- Solid, Step – By- Step Plans for Confidently Launching Your Programs And Cashing In Big Time
Your 12-Week Fast Track For Getting More Clients
Who Love Ya, Pay Ya, And Keep Coming Back For More
Connect, grow, and scale your business to 6-Figures. Awkwardly.
Before the pandemic hit, Gabby already had this beautiful community that she built from the ground and felt the abundance that comes with it. She was making $15,000 monthly. When COVID-19 hit, it was literally a sh*t storm for her business. One by one, her clients started messaging her until thirteen clients dropped in one night. Aside from her personal struggles, Gabby also recognizes the sufferings of other clinicians and therapists who are struggling to make ends meet. People are in so much pain, and so much of that pain is being projected and it could possibly become an intergenerational trauma.
She finally decided that it has got to stop. Gabby realized that if she can help therapists, psychologists, spiritual healers, and life coaches jump off their business, then she can start amplifying the light and start healing on a global scale. Without the clients and the financial stability, Gabby launched her mastermind and it became the biggest launch in her entire business. Through this, Gabby has her biggest realizations and that is we have to go through the moment and sit in it. Afterward, we will savor how beautiful our life will turn out.
I know it can be frightening to invest in yourself, especially if we’re conditioned by the society that we don’t have it in us. But investing in your business and in your mission in life will have a pivotal ripple effect for the whole society. When you decide to invest and expand in your business, you’re also going to help one personal help all of these other incredible human beings. The expansion and growth that you’re going to take is going to be much, much bigger than yourself. And you don’t have to overthink and complicate when it comes to investing. As long as you know your truth and purpose, you’re set to build a successful business.
And as always, stay safe, stay healthy, and stay #PrettyAwkward!
Thank you so much for taking the time to check out the #PrettyAwkward Entrepreneur Podcast. I would LOVE to have the opportunity to connect with you, check out my #prettyawkward Female Entrepreneurs Create Impactful Passive Income free group on Facebook!
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I have helped HUNDREDS of women get their unique coaching voice and find their soulmate (clients that is!)
Because I’ve been there too. I went from wanting to be a health and fitness coach...trying to take awkward booty pooping selfies, to embracing my #prettyawkward style and scaling my coaching business past six figures.