Hello, friends! Today, we are talking about something that so many people I have talked to struggle with, and I definitely have struggled with in the past, especially when I’ve done coaching: how to make your messaging tangible, and how to prove the benefits of life coaching when there aren’t numbers associated. If you are a mindset coach, life coach, relationship coach, or any type of coach that really works on more deep, emotional-type work, this is for you. The benefits of life coaching can feel harder to “sell” than something that has numbers attached. What do I mean by that? Let’s dive in…
It can be so much harder to prove the benefits of life coaching when they’re intangible. Income earned, clients signed, weight lost…these are all things you can prove with numbers. But let’s put it this way: let’s say you’re a coach who helps people with anxious attachment within relationships, and you helped someone totally reframe and redo their relationship with other people in romantic relationships. What are the benefits of life coaching that came from that? Now when they’re dating, they don’t have that anxious attachment, and it’s affected every other area of their life positively as well. They don’t have that with their family. They don’t have it with their friends. Their day-to-day is so much lighter. They can breathe more. They’re not so obsessed with what other people are thinking. It’s drastically changed their energy, their mood, their health, their happiness, and their relationships. These are benefits of life coaching that aren’t able to be calculated numerically, but because of your work, they end up having beautiful relationships for the rest of their life. Work like that is life-changing, but demonstrating that to potential clients? That’s not easy to do.
I love helping coaches who work on providing the benefits of life coaching, because it’s the most impactful work, hands down. When I have been coached by these types of coaches, I have had the biggest transformations, more so than any coach who was purely business numbers, who was helping me with a marketing angle or a specific business plan or goal that I was trying to hit. The benefits of life coaching have shown up powerfully in my life.
Now, number-based coaching has so much value, and there’s time and a place for it. I do a lot of that coaching, too, but a huge reason I bring such a mindset approach to my coaching method is that I know the benefits of life coaching are what really put people over the edge. The benefits of life coaching are really what help people apply this work confidently.
If you are someone who mainly serves through the benefits of life coaching and struggles with figuring out how to pitch those results, this is for you. The first thing I want to use is an example from a SOSA student, my Smart Online Success Academy program. It’s for any online coach or service provider who is within the first few years of their business and is wanting to go full-time.
I had a bonus call with one of those students, and we were talking about her messaging. She had the same problem of intangibility; she sells health and wellness, but she does not focus on weight loss. She doesn’t want to focus on weight loss. It’s so much more than that for her clients. Her bio said something along the lines of helping women have a better relationship with food, and the first thing I said to her was, “How do you know that they have a better relationship with food? What’s the marker for that?” I like the phrase “better relationship with food,” I think it’s great, but what does that even mean? And it wasn’t necessarily hard for her to answer, but she didn’t have a quick answer ready. She had to think about it.
Here’s the thing about vague phrases like that: there’s nothing wrong with them. I’ve seen them work before, especially if you have a huge following. But when you’re in the first few years and you’re developing your skills and you’re growing your account, you have to make it really clear what you actually do.
So what did we do? We changed the wording to, “I help women in corporate prioritize their fitness and nutrition routines in a simple way so they can get their energy back, feel great in their bodies, and stop coping with work stress with food.”
So now, she’s clearly established who she serves, why she serves them, and how she serves them. No more vague language; it’s easy to understand who she is, what she does, and who she does it for.
This is for life coaching. This is for mindset coaching. This is for anyone who needs to find a way to quantify the results of their programs. To figure out the phrasing, ask yourself this: What is the domino effect of the intangible results? For this student of mine, the result was “a healthier relationship with food,” but the tangible domino effects were getting energy back, feeling better about themselves, and not turning to food to cope with stress. We figured out what specific problems her clients were struggling with and presented them as potential solutions.
So first, to figure out how to sell the benefits of life coaching provided by your service, I want you to go back to people that you have worked with. I want you to list out each client, whether they’re strangers, friends, or family. Whether you haven’t had paying clients yet or if you’ve had a lot of paying clients, list out your favorite ones, and/or the ones that have had the most growth through the benefits of life coaching. List out each person you’ve helped, then next to that, right down the answers to these questions: Why did they hire you? Why did they ask for help? Why did they come to you? If you don’t know, ask them. They love you. They’re gonna be more than happy to give you that reason. Then next to that, write out what you specifically did with them during this coaching. What tools, strategies, and processes did you take them through? (This is also known as your method.) And again, write out what the results were from utilizing that method. Get as specific as you can, then start that domino effect list, right? Now, when you’re putting your message out there, you can say, “Hey, I know this might sound vague.” A statement like, “Hey, you’re gonna feel happier” is vague. What does that mean? Now you can tell them, “Well, here’s what being happier can do for you.” And then you share a story about a client who felt happier every day while going through your program, and how that started to change how they showed up in their relationship, how they showed up to their job, and how they spoke up at work. Maybe they got a promotion. Maybe they realized they wanted to take that skill and start their own business. So you start collecting stories of people that have had these domino effects. That’s the best way to make this more tangible. Stories will never go out of style. And if we can start to use these stories and share the domino effect of the work you do, that’s gonna make it so much more powerful and so much more tangible.
I hope this helped you figure out how to sell the benefits of life coaching. I know there’s a lot of stress that goes into this, because you know how powerful this is, but people don’t understand without seeing numbers. I am telling you, I know people who have such successful businesses in this realm, and it’s because they make the messaging a little bit more clear. They make it a bit more specific. They share about those domino effect results. And once they clarify those benefits of life coaching, they no longer have to worry so much about explaining their services to potential clients.
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I have helped HUNDREDS of women get their unique coaching voice and find their soulmate (clients that is!)
Because I’ve been there too. I went from wanting to be a health and fitness coach...trying to take awkward booty pooping selfies, to embracing my #prettyawkward style and scaling my coaching business past six figures.