Hello, my #PrettyAwkward friends! I am absolutely thrilled to introduce you today to Linda Sidhu, my wonderful friend and an absolute master at creating a lead magnet that works. (If you don’t know what a lead magnet is, let me explain: creating a lead magnet basically means creating a free offer you use to grow your email list in order to reach more people with your core offer. It’s a great tool for increasing your following…and increasing sales!) Today she’s going to share about how creating a lead magnet (most often, Linda uses quizzes!) can cause exponential growth in your following and your sales conversions. Let’s get started!
Linda: So, how did I get into helping people with creating a lead magnet? I actually started out in pharmaceutical sales. I was in specialty sales at the time, specifically serving dermatologists, and I was actually really scared because I leapfrogged straight into dermatology sales. Usually, as a sales rep, you start with general doctors, and I didn’t. I landed this amazing opportunity in specialty. So when I was in training, my company at the time taught us how to read people. The goal was to understand people’s personalities and understand what sort of approach would work best to sell to them. It was really important to my company that we showed up in a way that was comfortable for the physician. So I just took that and ran, because in my mind, those doctors were the experts, right? They were the ones that were studying all the products. I couldn’t confidently say that mine was better than another, especially if they’d done studies on both and they were actually quite comparable. At the end of the day, I knew the sale was going to come down to relationship. If someone likes you, they’re far more likely to support you, especially if you have equivalent products. If the products are basically the same, it’s all going to come down to which salesperson they prefer.
So that’s where I learned how to people read, which became a huge tool for creating a lead magnet later. For ten years I would sit in my car and prepare myself to meet with this particular doctor, making sure I showed up in a certain way to make sure she felt comfortable.
As for what that looks like…let me put it this way. I’m more of an influencer. I’m very people-oriented. I like to ask people how their weekend was, small talk, and get to know them. But if the doctors were the opposite of me, if they were analyzers, they would shut down if I asked about their weekend. They didn’t want to discuss anything personal at all. So I realized pretty quickly that with those doctors, I needed to go in and be super intentional and show them a new study. I needed to talk about their clients and how it would help them…and never ask about how their weekend was. If I did see a doctor that was more like me, we probably never talked about products, because we were too busy talking about their weekend!
This method clearly worked; I was always in the top sales for ten years in a row. But when my son was born, I ended up staying home with him until he went into kindergarten. After that, I really wanted to get back into leadership, because…honestly? I really enjoy working. I just love working. In the end, I actually chose to launch a business in email marketing, and that’s when I needed to try creating a lead magnet; I chose a personality quiz! It was the only thing that made sense to me—it was shareable content. Everyone loves a personality quiz. They always want to learn more about themselves. And I was right—people were obsessed! They were sharing it with friends, they were sharing it in Facebook groups, tagging me on Instagram, and it just went wild. I always like to say that the sale caught the wind.
After that caught on, I quickly started getting leads. I actually grew my email list 300% after creating a lead magnet. So that told me my method was working. Then I had the CEO of Interact reach out to me, and he said my conversion was higher than usual for a first-time quiz. I had no idea that they were even looking at me and my numbers! To this day, my conversion rates for creating a lead magnet with quizzes are always pretty high. I believe yours (Megan’s) was at a 70% conversion when we were looking at numbers, and the lowest I’ve ever had was 40%. But here’s why that’s amazing: most lead magnets convert around 25%.
Linda: Here’s an example of how creating a lead magnet through a quiz can help you attract your ideal clients—and weed out the ones who aren’t a fit. One of my clients created a quiz, and she really niched down from just being a coach to specifically advertising herself as an ADHD coach. When she created the quiz in the quiz lab last fall, we came up with a title together: “What’s Your ADHD Superpower?”
Now when people look at her quiz, they’re either going to raise their hand and identify with it, or they’re going to quickly recognize that it isn’t for them, and they likely won’t take it at all. So not only is she going to get a higher quantity of leads by creating a lead magnet through a quiz, because quizzes are shareable and engaging, but because she has the right title, she’s getting quality leads. The people who aren’t going to be interested in her offer aren’t even taking the quiz, so everybody who does take it is far more likely to actually follow through.
Linda: Let’s move on to number two of why you would need a personality quiz. When you can segment your email list based on the buyer’s personality, it’s really interesting, because it actually can help you customize your sales pitch. You can look at data such as:
Once you know where they’re at, you know how to sell and how to present different offers. For example, a dominant personality—if they’re fast-paced and task-oriented—might only need a 20-minute discovery call. They know they wanna work with me, so all I need to do is give them their options. At that point, they can make the decision. They’re super confident about their business already. They just want you to be confident as well, and they’re ready to go.
However, if you’re working with an opposite personality, the steady personality, those people are people-oriented and slower with decision-making. This type of person is going to read every testimonial before deciding if you might be a fit for them. If your audience is saturated with this personality type, you’ll need to put more testimonials on your sales page. You’ll want to share more case studies to show how you’ve helped achieve results for other people. Not only that, but discovery calls are going to end up being a little longer. These people really want to build a relationship, and they want to understand the process step by step. They want to know where they’ll start at the beginning, and they want to know where they’ll be by the end; almost like showing someone before and after pictures!
This is why creating a lead magnet with a personality quiz is so important, because when you’re armed with that information, you can do so much more with your marketing and show up in different ways and communicate with your audience in a way that’s really going to connect with them.
Linda: Creating a lead magnet with a quiz can also help you research your audience. One of the questions I had in my quiz that came out last year was “What do you identify with? Are you a coach, a course creator, a copywriter, or other?” 50% of the people told me that they were a coach. So that made me understand, “Okay, I have more coaches in my audience than I realized!” So now I know how to better serve my own community because I know exactly who’s in that community. They need more coaching-based content than anything else!
Are you sold yet? Seriously, the amount of success I’ve had with creating a lead magnet through my quiz (thanks to Linda!) cannot be overstated. It’s been a truly incredible tool for me, and creating a lead magnet like this can serve you and your business just as well! Be sure to connect with Linda if you’re ready to get your own quiz going, and as always, stay #PrettyAwkward!
Want to reach out to Linda? You can find her here:
3-Day Nail Your Quiz Idea FREE Challenge:
Discover your Quiz-To-Cash Strategy:
Quiz Creators FB Group:
Outline Your Next Booked-Out Offer with my Free 5-Day Course: www.meganyelaney.com/free-offer-course
And join my Free FB Community where we do a deep dive into each Podcast episode & can have a back-and-forth conversation to help you get the most out of each topic!
Join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/impactfulpassiveincome
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My account—>@meganyelaney
I have helped HUNDREDS of women get their unique coaching voice and find their soulmate (clients that is!)
Because I’ve been there too. I went from wanting to be a health and fitness coach...trying to take awkward booty pooping selfies, to embracing my #prettyawkward style and scaling my coaching business past six figures.