Honest Business Reflections, Shifts That Challenged My Ego, and More
Today I will be sharing a few reflections on how quarter one went for my business. I have some major takeaways that I learned from this quarter that I think will be helpful to hear. I was able to implement new changes that made me feel so much more fulfilled and I can’t wait to share them with you!

What changes did I make?
There were a few transitions in quarter one that I had to make.
The first big adjustment was the mindset shift in my launches. In previous quarters I would focus on my month-to-month goals, I decided to stop this and focus on the entire quarter instead.
Secondly, I made the difficult decision to limit the number of clients I was handling at a time. I realized that I was utilizing so much of my time in parts of my business and I was struggling to have the creative energy I needed to work on my other dream projects.

Why are you doing what you’re doing?
For me, focusing on monthly goals had a lot to do with feeding my ego. I enjoyed being able to say that I made X amount of money this month and that I beat my last month’s revenue. It was an ego boost for sure.
When I realized I was playing the ego game, I was not happy with myself. Money is not the main reason I started my business. Don’t get me wrong, making money is great! But it’s not my why.
During my business reflection, I noticed I believed some of my value was tied to the amount of revenue I generated. As if the money I made gave me my authority and proved to people I knew what I was doing.
Obviously, I know this is not true, but I had to remind myself what gives me my authority is my proven track record of helping others with their business goals.

Should you take a step back?
One thing I don’t think people talk about enough is how much time it takes to create something really incredible. A difficult decision for my first quarter was reducing the number of clients I had for coaching.
I love all my clients and coaching is one of my favorite things to do but I had to reassess the amount of work I was taking on.
I found that I had no creative energy or time to put into other projects that I really wanted to work on. Not being able to have that creative time for myself left me feeling depleted, so I knew it had to change.
This was scary for me. I was still grappling with my ego and I didn’t love the idea of reducing my clients, especially when so much of my passion is fueled by helping others build their business. But when I wasn’t able to take time to recover from my busy schedule I knew the change was necessary.
Being able to take a step back and reduce my workload allowed me to free up quality time to sit down and work on other projects. This allowed me to get back into my creative zone which made my work fun again.
It was so important for me to take the time to allow myself to build other more accessible projects so in the future I can fuel my passion for helping others even more! I couldn’t have created the content I’ve created this quarter if I had been overworking myself.

Honest Business Reflections, Shifts That Challenged My Ego, and More: The Bottomline
Changes in your business can be nerve-racking but you need to make sure you continuously ask yourself why you are running your business the way you are. Make sure your answers still align with why you first started.
Allow yourself to carve out quality time to focus on projects that are going to bring you happiness. It’s important to be honest with yourself about what you can take on realistically. You have to make sure you find time to create projects that will fulfill you. You should ask yourself what’s important to you and prioritize accordingly.
And finally, as always, stay safe, stay healthy, and stay #PrettyAwkward!
I hope this post helped you see there can be major benefits in changing aspects of your business.
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