In this episode of The #PrettyAwkward Entrepreneur Podcast, I’m so excited to be joined by Taylor Weaver! Taylor is a former 3rd-grade teacher turned six-figure business owner & stay at home momma. She helps online experts enhance & elevate their programs using educational best practices and learning psychology. If you are looking to learn methods that are PROVEN to work…you are in the right place! Taylor was instrumental in helping me develop my unique coaching method framework and coaching clients overall. I’m so excited for you to hear her perspective! We’re going to be diving into frameworks, educational psychology, and how all of that applies to you as a creative entrepreneur.
But before we dive in, let me introduce myself. My name is Megan Yelaney, and I have built two six-figure businesses and one multi-six-figure business by fully embracing my authentic self and not trying to hide the quirks that make me, ME.
So if you’re a female entrepreneur looking to learn, grow your business strategies and mindset, and scale your biz to multiple six figures while having fun doing it…you’re in the right place, girl! Because I made this podcast exactly for YOU!
And today Taylor and I are diving into how frameworks apply to coaching clients. For all the details, listen to the entire episode on your favorite streaming platform!
Taylor used to be an elementary school teacher, but when she had her daughter Chloe, she decided she wanted to take more time to spend with her. She started out as a mom life coach. While she enjoyed coaching clients, she really missed teaching. She wondered if she could incorporate her educational background into her business. That’s when she grew really interested in frameworks and methods. She started helping clients with that, and it took off. She found there was a strong need in business for helping people develop their educational programs for coaching clients.
Taylor says that education is about taking what you know and how your clients learn and putting them together. The mistakes she often sees in the industry are coaches trying to cram everything they know into their program or disregarding how their clients learn. Her method is to help coaches take what they know and develop it into an easily understandable framework so clients can really absorb the material and apply it.
Taylor’s method breaks down five categories based on importance. She first looks at expectations. It’s important to explicitly communicate what we expect from clients, or they won’t be able to achieve success. Then she goes into frameworks– these are the steps clients need to take to get to the transformation you help them achieve. Then you focus on curriculum– how you go about teaching those steps. Next, you look at resources, ways for clients to go deeper into the material they learn from you (these are not the same as the curriculum). Finally, you focus on necessary support. This includes things like group and one-on-one calls so they can get their vital questions answered. This is not just for the sake of having it! Make sure that it’s absolutely necessary for them. This framework gives you a way to look at your ideas for your program, break it down into manageable pieces, and think ahead about every part of the client experience.
Taylor recommends looking at the very basics of what your clients need to know first. They do not need to know everything! There’s a common misconception that if you don’t pack tons of information into your program it won’t sell. Or that it’s somehow less valuable. But that’s not true! If you try to cram everything you know into your program, it will be overwhelming for clients, and they won’t have a good experience with it. So try to keep it simple and basic yet informative. If you find that your clients want to go deeper, you can support them with other programs or resources.
She also says to be super intentional with every angle of your program and take a preventative approach. Anticipate the issues or questions your coaching clients might have, and create resources to support them. You also need to remember that while you know what you are talking about, they don’t. So there might be definitions of things they don’t know or concepts they are not familiar with yet. You have to understand where they are at so you can communicate better to them.
Client feedback, overall, is really awesome. It’s great to know how their experience was with your program, and you can take their feedback and use it to make your program better. However, this doesn’t mean you should implement everything your clients tell you. At the end of the day, you are the expert, and you know what they need. If they pointed out something that actually hindered them from achieving their transformation, then the feedback is valid. But if they are wanting something beyond what you can give, another transformation, then that’s a different container for someone else. You have to focus on the transformation YOU can provide.
We all want to overdeliver, but that’s not the same thing as trying to offer everything for everybody. If you try to cram all your knowledge into one program, your clients WILL be overwhelmed and frustrated. You’re doing them a service by simplifying. Instead, overdeliver on how you show up, how responsive you are, and the way you coach and communicate with them.
One final thing to keep in mind when you are creating courses and programs is to remember that learning takes time. You shouldn’t expect your clients to absorb and implement everything right away, and neither should they. There’s such pressure in the online industry to see results now, and that’s just not realistic. We would never expect immediate results from someone who opened a brick and mortar business. So why do we expect that of people and ourselves in the online space? It’s not a reflection on you as a coach or your clients’ abilities if they don’t see results right away. Normalize the journey.
The best thing you can do for your clients is to anticipate their needs and be super intentional with every single part of your program. When you understand where they are at and build a solid framework to prepare them for where they need to go, they will feel supported in their journey. And they’ll get to the transformation they want. Both Taylor and I encourage you to infuse your heart and passion into your programs with deep intention. Be sure to connect with Taylor over on her Instagram, check out her podcast, and get more details on her Find your Framework Course!
And as always, stay safe, stay healthy, and stay #PrettyAwkward!
Thank you so much for taking the time to check out the #PrettyAwkward Entrepreneur Podcast. I would LOVE to have the opportunity to connect with you, check out my #prettyawkward Female Entrepreneurs Create Impactful Passive Income free group on Facebook!
I have helped HUNDREDS of women get their unique coaching voice and find their soulmate (clients that is!)
Because I’ve been there too. I went from wanting to be a health and fitness coach...trying to take awkward booty pooping selfies, to embracing my #prettyawkward style and scaling my coaching business past six figures.