Feeling Stuck in Business – The Top 3 Reasons Your Business Feels Stuck
The common reasons and mistakes I see people sharing about as to why you’re stuck in your business may be true, but they aren’t the struggles I see people having. This week on the #PrettyAwkward Entrepreneur Podcast, I’m diving into the true and real reasons you feel stuck in business. I want to help you in a way that I believe nobody else is.
But before we dive on in, let me introduce myself. My name is Megan Yelaney, and I have built two six-figure businesses and one multi-six-figure business by fully embracing my authentic self and not trying to hide the quirks that make me, ME.
So if you’re a female entrepreneur looking to learn, grow your business strategies and mindset, and scale your biz to multiple six figures while having fun doing it…you’re in the right place, girl! Because I made this podcast exactly for YOU!
And today, we will be talking all about feeling stuck in business and covering 3 reasons why you feel this way. And for even more deets on everything outlined below, be sure to tune in to episode 67 on your fave streaming platform.
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Feeling Stuck in Business: Reason 1, when you start anything new, you will be a little frustrated. There’s a learning curve.
Anytime you are new to anything you get frustrated, it’s only natural. Think about the first time you learned a new hobby or skill or dated someone new. It’s uncomfortable, your body and brain go into fight or flight mode. Whenever you do something new, an immediate wall will come up because we are scared and uncertain. This is the same for your business, when you start you will be frustrated when you don’t see results right away. To equate this to something you can grasp, I played the flute all my high school days, I remember the first day I started playing I could not make a sound out of the flute for at least a week. This made me frustrated as singing always came naturally to me.
That’s just an example, think of little kids, they try something new and get frustrated. But they keep trying, they fall and get back up. As adults, unfortunately, we don’t have the same innocence and naive behavior as children to keep trying. When you are an adult trying something new, you have this against you, this is one big reason you may be stuck. However, it’s something you can control if you can get back into that child-like mindset. Ask yourself how you can infuse more joy into your everyday life as you build a business. A lot of times we expect results super fast, but it takes time. Why not enjoy the process, find something fun every day in your business, and get back to why you’re doing this in the first place.
Feeling Stuck in Business: Reason 2, you are confused over what to do.
I see a lot of people struggle with this one and have confusion over what to do. You are following over millions of coaching accounts, all full of valuable info but you may hear conflicting information. Someone may say email is dead, someone else says email is flourishing. You get to a place where you don’t know what to believe and you’re overwhelmed by all that you consume that you end up not taking action or half-assing it. I am not saying to never watch and learn from people, but I find that many in the beginning stages of their business will follow someone and take what they say to make it their own. When they make it their own, things get a little blurry. It’s easier said than done. Ultimately, they most likely end up almost verbatim copying what the other person does.
I want you to question this if you are replicating something from someone else. Ask yourself why you’re finding inspiration and why you’re excited. If you see someone post a before and after picture that represents their financial success, and you want to share that, why are you doing it? Is it only because it worked for them? That’s not enough reason. You have to connect at a soul level. Don’t go back and use other people’s content as templates, it’s okay to take inspiration but it won’t work if it’s not your words and it’s not from your heart. I encourage you to overcome this struggle by limiting the time you consume content. If you find that you’re on Instagram or Facebook 2 hours a day, limit it to 30 minutes a day and be super focused, be intentional during that time. Intentionality will change the game.

Feeling Stuck in Business: Reason 3, jealousy, and comparison.
Be honest with yourself when you’re scrolling on social media, are you intentional or are you comparing? It’s easy to see someone else’s success and get down on yourself, when that happens, stop following that person. Mute that person if you have to. It’s not that you don’t care about them but they’re triggering you. If you are constantly throwing successful people in your face by going to their profiles and getting upset, stop doing that. Give yourself time to have creative juices flowing, they don’t flow when you consume content 24/7.
Take a step back, limit the time you consume on social media, and create first. Make a rule to create first before you consume. Do the money-making activities on social media. Every day before you hop on social media, go for a walk, voice note something you are thinking about content-wise, brain dump posts, and training you can do. If you’re an entrepreneur, there’s so much stuff in your head but you are blocking that with consumption if you don’t allow yourself to create. I am inspired by people all the time but things come from within me, I take breaks from social media, I am not on my phone 24/7. Let yourself unplug and get into that flow.
Check out the good stuff!
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Three Rock- Solid, Step – By- Step Plans for Confidently Launching Your Programs And Cashing In Big Time
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#PrettyAwkward Business Posse
Connect, grow, and scale your business to 6-Figures. Awkwardly.
Feeling Stuck in Business – The Top 3 Reasons Your Business Feels Stuck: Main Takeaways
These are the three things nobody likes to talk about and they just want to talk about strategy. These are not easy fixes, you can’t fix it with a hashtag or a certain story sequence, it’s bigger than that. Building a very wealthy and sustainable business is bigger than hacks and little tweaks, you have to embody all these qualities to overcome the struggles. I encourage you to find an accountability partner because it will be hard to do this and stick to these things consistently. Accountability is everything and that’s why coaching is so powerful.
And as always, stay safe, stay healthy, and stay #PrettyAwkward!
Thank you so much for taking the time to check out the #PrettyAwkward Entrepreneur Podcast. I would LOVE to have the opportunity to connect with you, check out my #prettyawkward Female Entrepreneurs Create Impactful Passive Income free group on Facebook!