A simple method to 2X your income by turning your signature offer into multiple programs
In this part we’ll find what’s unique about your signature offer that we can use to create other offers to add more revenue to your business.
In this part we’ll see how we can take your signature offer framework and turn it into other formats: again, not reinventing the wheel here.
People prefer diff styles, let’s see if you can give it to them!
Have a group program? How can we turn that into an in person experience or a self paced course?
In this part, we’ll see if something you teach in your signature offer framework can be taught separately (a niche part people only want).
Who DOESN’T want passive income, right? What part of your process can we leverage (that word again!) to become a self paced course?
Let’s make you some money while you sleep and help people in a more accessible way, shall we?! #WINWIN
I won’t just be teaching you these strategies, but I’ll also be providing my own case studies for each part, so you can see this in action. This way you can literally get the ball rolling RIGHT AWAY after you finish class, and start mapping out the next offer (or offers!) that will help you double your revenue this year.
And guess what? It wasn’t from one-on-one coaching. We used this exact process to help them take their unique framework and create multiple offers their audience was asking for.
But the trick is doing this without burning out.
We made sure they built out offers that aligned with the type of business model they wanted to have.
How long did they want to spend working?
We made sure they didn’t just add more to their plate to make more money, but added offers that brought in more revenue AND honored their desired lifestyle & priorities.
I’m a business coach who helps online coaches & service pros create their unique method™ so they can sell out their offers.
I’ve worked with over a thousand entrepreneurs since 2017, & have created a seven figure business in under two years utilizing some of the strategies I’m going to teach you during this free class.
I absolutely LOVE helping entrepreneurs expand their businesses by leveraging what makes them unique and doing work they love.
I’ve specifically helped over 25 entrepreneurs scale to multiple six figures and a few to the seven figure mark.